About Our Savior


Our Savior Lutheran Church

Our Savior Lutheran Church, established in 1957, is centrally located and is one of the oldest, Lutheran Church Missouri Synod congregations in Orlando. With a 10 a.m. combined worship service, we value the opportunity to study God’s word and worship God together, as the body of Christ, in spirit and in truth. Our worship liturgy follows the established order of service of the Lutheran Service Book, combining traditional and contemporary styles of music each week. Our hearts and arms are open, and we welcome all visitors and invite you to consider joining us this Sunday.

An important part of our pastoral ministry is our focus on outreach. The Tutoring and Mentoring Ministry has been one of the most effective outreach tools we’ve used to reach the needs of children and families in our community. This ministry gives the members of Our Savior a unique opportunity to live out God’s command to “Go and make disciples of all nations”, as Matthew 28:19-20 reminds us we are called to do.

As a result of our successful Tutoring and Mentoring Ministry, Rebecca’s Garden of Hope, Inc. was incorporated as a non-profit corporation to replicate the tutoring ministry model established over a dozen years ago. RGOH ministry offers a free template to congregations wanting to use this outreach tool to invite more youth and families from the neighborhood, into the body of Christ. This ministry model to neighborhood children has been embraced by many congregations across the United States. Presently more than 200 Lutheran congregations from coast to coast have signed on to become partners with RGOH and the interest from other congregations continues to grow.

Martha’s Circle is an OSL ministry concerned with the needs of others at Our Savior and in the community. Their commitment to supporting the sick and shut in and providing support to families of loved ones, at Our Savior are just a few of the compassionate ways they serve.

LWML is an important part of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod also and the ladies of Our Savior have embraced the goals of this women’s auxiliary by living out their faith and actively seeking ways to engage in mission-related activities in our church. They also actively support the global ministry missions goals of LWML as well.

Presently Our Savior congregation is served by Pastor Patrick Luke as SMP Associate Pastor. For more information please call the church office at 407-295-0261 and thank you for your continued prayers as God shows us more ways to touch others with His love.